Fradeani MasterClass Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedure (MIPP)

Fradeani MasterClass Minimally Invasive Prosthetic Procedure (MIPP)



Mauro Fradeani, Leonardo Bacherini


At the end of the Masterclass you will be able to:

  • Digitally plan a proper aesthetic and functional treatment with GetAPP digital planning and other tools such as face scanners
  • Minimize the prosthetic treatment invasiveness
  • Choose the proper material for every restoration
  • Perform predictablestable and durable prosthetic rehabilitations
  • Modify the patient’s VDO
  • Define the tooth volume that you want to reach and reduce ceramic thickness by using the proper adhesive procedures
  • Choose bonding materials correctly



treatment planning and data collection
finalisation, restorations construction and cementation P1

dental impression and provisional management-P1
finalisation, restorations construction and cementation P1

dental impression and provisional management-P2
finalisation, restorations construction and cementation P1
finalisation, restorations construction and cementation P2
finalisation, restorations construction and cementation P3
occlusal parameters alteration P1
occlusal parameters alteration P2
Esthetic analysis dentolabial analysis in prosthetic rehabilitation P1

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